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Our process to get you into a beautiful home

At Bueckert Design we have one goal - to provide the most stunning building projects possible for each client. From small houses to large mansions, we are working to push design and construction forward in Saskatchewan.


High end design, renderings and construction ensure each client gets the best service and product possible for their entire project.


Research is the first stage of every build and is the start for each client. About half the research is typically done by the client prior to our first meeting.  It's important to know what style of building you like, a general feel for the house, and to know what you need in a home.


There can be a lot to research and think about. To keep it as simple as we can for you, we've made up a questionnaire for you to go through. Download the questionnaire below.


Once you've done some initial research and feel you are ready to meet with a designer, book a meeting with us.  At our initial meeting we work hard to understand your lifestyle. 


There are many simple things that can be put into a house for low cost that can enhance your home.  A simple mail desk in an unused corner can make a small, but wonderful change to your day.

Don't hold back on the wishes for your home, or telling us about who you are. Do you play music? We can add sound insulation in your walls to keep the sound isolated to one room. 


Want a theatre room?  No problem.  Do you bike and canoe? Let's plan a place to keep them inside and heated in winter. Want a secret poker room? We've done that too.

Once you've told us about who you are. I turn the table and begin asking you questions about you to learn more.  We'll go through architectural style, features of the home, budget, timeline and your past loves and hates about homes.


From our initial meeting, we take everything back to our office and begin the craft of turning thoughts and requests into space and function.


We review all of our meeting notes, bylaws and architectural guidelines prior to starting design. Once reviewed, we sit down with a pencil and paper. Drawing out flow diagrams, bubble diagrams and site plans, we work out the flow of the space. 


Focusing on privacy gradients, long views through houses and natural lighting to walk towards are three of the simple design concepts that begin to form the shape of your new house.

Using various architectural methods, your design begins to grow and take shape.  Structure begins to form and on it we paint the walls, ceilings and floors.  Once the full design is complete and loaded into virtual reality, we book for a second meeting and show you our work.  


Once we've reviewed your design and make any necessary changes, we proceed to the blueprints, which are everything needed to get a permit, order materials off of, and build a house.


Every project comes to life with our virtual reality treatment. Its a priceless way to experience your project, make changes and revise on the fly.  We're past the era when you see your building for the first time after its finished. With our software we...

Let's chat about your ideas

(we love coffee)





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